謝謝各位朋友參加2013年6月2日舉辦的正念一日禪(Day of Mindfulness),我們很高興能邀請到香港梅村與亞洲應用佛學院的順嚴法師(Sister Harmony)與修嚴法師(Sister Practice),與大家一起參與如此喜悅的當下一刻美妙時刻,歡迎您有機會回到共修團繼續一起修習正念,培植心中快樂的種子。以下與大家分享這次一日禪的照片與影片。
Dear Sangha, Thank you for attending our Day of Mindfulness (DOM) on 2nd June,2013. We are happy that you came and shared your presence and practice with the community. We are sending you some photos and video and inviting you to join our regular sangha meeting which we think may encourage all of us to continue practicing mindfulness in our everyday living.
共修資訊Sangha Meetings
◎ 共修時間:每個月第二個與第四個周一,晚上7:30~9:30
◎ 共修內容:梅村傳統正念禪法
◎ 費用隨喜
◎ 地點: 三重市中華路1號27樓之五
公車: 299,652,617 "中華路口"下車, 過馬路對面即達
捷運: 三重站3號出口, 再步行約7, 8分鐘可達
We meet on the second and fourth Monday of the month from 7:30 to 9:30 pm.
For monthly English reading group, we are currently studying "the Heart of Understanding" by Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh
◎ Location:Rm. 5, 27F., No.1, Zhonghua Rd., Sanchong Dist., New Taipei City
(1)Bus #299,#652 or #617 to Zhonghua Rd bus station, and cross the street
(2) MRT: Sanchong Station, Exit #3 and walk for 8 minutes
◎Contact us by email : morninglightsangha@gmail.com
All are welcome~!
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