晨光共修團與慧青學佛中心將在5/28下午合辦梅村青年Wake Up正念禪修,歡迎邀請朋友一起報名參加。
這次活動將針對35歲以下青年介紹國際Wake Up團體與梅村禪法。
Wake Up 是梅村國際青年團體,分布於歐洲、美國、香港等地。針對青年共同教導與修習一行禪師所教導的五項正念修習、將正念的練習帶入日常生活中。
關於Wake Up的更多訊息,請看:
◎ 共修時間:5/28週六下午2:30~5:00
◎ 共修內容:梅村傳統正念禪法
◎ 費用:免費,或隨喜贊助
◎ 地點: 慧青學佛中心(古亭捷運站5號出口;近師大)台北市大安區潮州街116號1F。Google Map: http://ppt.cc/OSr@
◎ 線上報名,場地有限15人額滿為止 http://ppt.cc/ptn7
◎ 主辦:梅村晨光共修團
◎ 協辦:慧青學佛中心
◎ 如欲洽詢請email至: morninglightsangha@gmail.com
Dear friends,
We will be having our first half day mindfulness of the Wake Up Group in Gaya Youth Light Up Circle.
Please join us for a special gathering to recharge and refresh ourselves, being together joyfully.
This activity will introduce the international Wake Up group and the mindfulness training taught by Thich Nhat Hanh.
For more information regarding the Wake Up group, please check the following websites:
‧Time: 2011/5/28(Sat.)1430-1700
‧Location: Gaya Youth Light Up Circle, No.116-1, Chaozhou St., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106. Google Map: http://ppt.cc/OSr@
‧Online registration http://ppt.cc/ptn7
‧Free of charge/donations are welcome to help pay for expanses
Email us for further info:morninglightsangha@gmail.com