梅村正念(半日)禪修營~ 修行的藝術
The Art of Practice
心到千萬處, 行禪心安然
步步微風起, 步步蓮花香。
The mind can go in a thousand directions.
but on this lovely path, I walk in peace.
With each step, a gentle wind blows.
With each step, a flower blooms.
~ Thich Nhat Hanh 一行禪師
Dear friends,
We will be having our second half Day of Mindfulness on beautiful NTU campus on July 9th, 2011 from 13:00 - 17:00, Map:http://www.active.ntu.edu.tw/Venues_AC2.html
On these hot summer days, we invite you to join us for a walk in the refreshing mountain forests, to breathe with nature and learn the art of Plum Village Mindfulness practice, enjoying being together joyfully.
DOM program 半日禪活動:
13:00 Introduction and Singing 介紹,唱誦
13:20 Guided Meditation 引導靜坐
13:50 Viewing of Thay’s Dharma Talk (DVD) 一行禪師開示影片
15:00 Walking Meditation 行禪
15:20 Sitting Meditation 靜坐
15:45 Art Practice 藝術禪
16:15 Dharma Sharing + Five Mindfulness Training Recitation 佛法分享 + 誦五項正念修習
17:00 Farewell 再會
‧Free of charge/donations are welcome to help pay for expanses
‧Please bring your own cushion, blanket, tea cup, sun hat or umbrella
Email us for details: morninglightsangha@gmail.com
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與大自然一起呼吸, 學習梅村正念禪修的藝術。
場地有限30人額滿為止 。
◎時間:2011/7/9(六) 13:00~17:00
◎如欲報名請email至: morninglightsangha@gmail.com
晨光共修團是個由一群在台灣共修的朋友組成的團體,學習一行禪師的禪法, 快樂地修習正念生活的藝術。我們期望透過修行與親人,朋友和社會分享我們的的成果。透過培育理解和愛的途徑,藉以滋養同修手足之情。
Morning Light Sangha is a community of friends based in Taiwan, practicing the art of living mindfully and joyfully, inspired by the teachings of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.
We wish to share our practice of Mindfulness with our family, friends and society, by cultivating the path of understanding and love, nurturing our brotherhood and sisterhood.